Flower Delivery

Florist and Floral Shop, Flowers, Flower Bouquets Same Day Delivery Long Island

Receive your flower bouquets delivery on the same day for all of your occasions(anniversary, birthday, get well, congratulations, graduation, sympathy, funeral etc.) & holidays(Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, New Year’s, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah etc.) from a near florist, make your orders  and pay them online. Balloons N’ More The Total Event(@Bethpage, New York) is the best flower store and floral shop at your town.

Our bouquets are combination of many different flower types, and we use fresh flowers when we are designing the bouquets. Here is the flowers types by seasons;

Winter flowers:

Amaryllis, Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger), Cyclamen, Holly, Mistletoe, Paperwhite narcissus, Poinsettias, Rosehips, Winter clematis, Winter jasmine, Carnations, Dogwood, Pansies, Snowdrops, Winter aconite, Winter, Crocuses, Daffodils (Narcissus). Daphnes. Irises, Magnolia, Peruvian lilies (Alstroemeria), Primrose, Red roses, Violets  honeysuckle .

Spring flowers:

Camellias, Daffodils (Narcissus), Daphnes, Hellebores, Hyacinths, Iris reticulata, Muscari (Grape hyacinths), Primrose, Sweet violets, Viburnums, Anemones, Bluebells, Cherry blossom, Daisies, Forget-me-nots, Gardenias, Hellebores, Ranunculus, Tulips, Sweet peas, Carnations, Euphorbias, Geraniums, Honesty, Lily of the Valley, Peonies. Stock flowers, Tulips, Violas, Wallflowers.

Summer flowers:

Carnations, Foxgloves, Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Irises, Lavender, Lilies, Lupins, Peonies, Roses, Agapanthus, Gerbera daisies, Hydrangeas, Jasmine, Larkspur (Delphiniums), Love-in-a-mist, Pot marigolds (Calendula), Sunflowers, Tiger lilies, Zinnias,, Begonias, Cosmos, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Poppies.

Autumn flowers:

Asters, Cleomes, Crocosmia, Dahlias, Echinacea, Fuchsia, Gerbera daisies, Morning glory, Poppies, Verbena, Chinese lanterns, Chrysanthemums, Cosmos, Dahlias, Marigolds, Rudbeckias, Salvias, Snapdragons, Amaryllis, Clematis, Lilies, Nerines, Peonies, Peruvian lilies (Alstroemeria), Roses.

Sending flowers to someone who is mourning the loss of a loved one, or even a job, will not only bring a smile to their face but a spring in their step! Additionally, flowers are known for being a stress reliever. The shape and texture of the petals, the colours, and the fragrance can boost one’s mindset.

In fact, some researches suggest that fresh flowers can decrease one’s anxiety and depression. Everyone loves flowers is a powerful statement. But it’s true! Flowers can bring precious memories to the forefront and choosing the right flower and scent can take you back in time. Furthermore, receiving a bouquet of elegant flowers can turn a challenging time into the best day of your life! Just knowing someone cares about you as a person, regardless of the relationship, can put life in perspective.

When discussing diversity of flowers as gifts, it refers to the countless species and variations to choose from. While many cultures associate red roses with love, there are also many other flower varieties that symbolize love, such as the tulip or orchid. Understanding the origin and the meaning of one’s favourite type of flower can help you convey the right message. Just like a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a bouquet of flowers.

The use of flowers to show affection for another person has been slated in stone since the dawn of time. Children pick wildflowers to take home to their mother, young lovers give flowers to the one who makes their heart soar, and couples often use them to be spontaneous to their partners.

So why are flowers the go-to gift for intimate relationships? Simply put, flowers ignite feelings of being loved and appreciated in a person. They can be made more personable by offering one’s favourite type, scent, or color of flowers. This initiated effort conveys heartfelt appreciation. We offer same day, next day & tomorrow delivery to the towns(New York/Long Island, Suffolk County, Queens, Brooklyn, Massapequa, Bethpage etc.) that we actively service.